Most Frequently Asked Questions

Who will maintain the park between now and when it is complete and the city of Senoia becomes the owner?  

The park will remain the responsibility of the SHA until the transfer is completed.

Who will maintain the park after it is complete? 

Once completed and transferred to the City it will become a City of Senoia park run and maintained by the City like Seavy Street Park.

Does refurbishing the park mean there could be additional public or subsidized housing adjacent to or close to the park? 

The Coweta Street Park Initiative is a standalone project , it is not connected in any way to any potential SHA initiatives. In fact, the donation of the parkland is a significant transfer of valuable land from the SHA to the city, which will permanntly keep the acreage as a park.

What group is renovating the Park?  

Local citizens formed a Steering Committee under the non-profit 501c3 umbrella of the Coweta Community Foundation. 

Who owns the property today?

The property is currently owned and managed  by the Senoia Housing Authority.

How can a local corporation or business get involved and help make a difference?

Contact us at info@cowetastreetpark.org or call us at 470-980-6813. One of our fundraising team committee members will speak with you about your interest and can schedule an in person or virtual presentation that can fill you in on plans for the park and how other corporations and businesses are already involved.

Why can’t/doesn’t the city build and pay for the park? 

 With the rapid growth of the City, there are higher priorities for limited tax dollars. 

Who will be able to use the park, both initially and after the park is officially open?  

As long as the Park is owned by the SHA, only residents of the SHA can legally use the park.  Once the City obtains ownership it will be a public park, open to all of the public and under jurisdiction of the City. 

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